Saturday 3 December 2011


All you need is love!! Love and Peace for everyone! Do you remember children? Have fun! 
Watch and listen to the song!

Monday 8 August 2011

Drama - Costumes

"Queridas familias, aquí les compartimos unas fotos que pueden servirles como inspiración para el diseño de los vestuarios del Festival. Recuerden que son simplemente ideas y/o sugerencias, lo cual significa que los vestuarios no tienen que corresponderse éstas fotos. Ustedes pueden idear los disfraces de la manera que mas les guste. ¡¡¡Sientanse libres para crear!!!"
Miss Vicky

Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Buenos Aires Players

Last Friday we went to see The Buenos Aires Players. We had a lot of fun!! You can watch the video clip of the two plays again. Click on the links below.

Melissa's Toys

Peter Pan

New Dell PCs in the Computing Lab

1st, 2nd and 3rd Forms are very happy to have 14 new computers to work with in their Multimedia English Classes!! Hurray!!